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  2. Brushless Motors
  3. NeuMotors 1200 Series BLDC Motor 65-150 watts


25xx Series are 30mm diameter (OD) outrunner motors optimized for high torque and light weight (16 grams). Capable of spinning 7” or 8” propellers, and are typically used for fixed wing or multirotor applications.

  • Outrunner construction
  • High torque design for multirotor applications
  • 26 poles / 24 slots
  • Integral prop mount


See the tables below for kv and torque ratings.

2503: 65-125 watt class multirotor motors

Price: $ 76.00 each.  Volume discount available.

Motor RPMs
per Volt
Rm (Ohms) Io
2503 O/28/529 529 2.692 0.107 18.088 2.561 28 7
2503 O/26/569 569 2.334 0.115 16.816 2.381 26 7
2503 O/24/617 617 2.002 0.125 15.508 2.196 24 8
2503 O/22/673 673 1.695 0.136 14.218 2.013 22 9
2503 O/20/740 740 1.414 0.150 12.930 1.831 20 10
2503 O/19/779 779 1.283 0.158 12.283 1.739 19 10
2503 O/18/822 822 1.158 0.167 11.640 1.648 18 11
2503 O/17/871 871 1.040 0.176 10.986 1.556 17 11
2503 O/16/925 925 0.928 0.188 10.344 1.465 16 12
2503 O/15/987 987 0.822 0.200 9.694 1.373 15 13
2503 O/14/1057 1057 0.723 0.214 9.052 1.282 14 14
2503 O/13/1138 1138 0.630 0.231 8.408 1.191 13 15
2503 O/12/1233 1233 0.543 0.250 7.760 1.099 12 16
2503 O/11/1345 1345 0.463 0.273 7.114 1.007 11 17
2503 O/10/1480 1480 0.389 0.300 6.465 0.916 10 19
2503 O/9.5/1558 1558 0.355 0.316 6.141 0.870 10 20
2503 O/9/1644 1644 0.322 0.333 5.820 0.824 9 21
2503 O/8.5/1741 1741 0.290 0.353 5.496 0.778 9 23
2503 O/8/1850 1850 0.260 0.375 5.172 0.732 8 24
2503 O/7.5/1973 1973 0.232 0.400 4.850 0.687 8 26


Price: $ 87.00 each.  Volume discount available.

Motor RPMs
per Volt
Rm (Ohms) Io
2504 O/19/519 519 1.631 0.158 18.436 2.611 29 10
2504 O/18/548 548 1.470 0.167 17.461 2.473 27 11
2504 O/17/580 580 1.318 0.176 16.497 2.336 26 11
2504 O/16/617 617 1.175 0.188 15.508 2.196 24 12
2504 O/15/658 658 1.039 0.200 14.542 2.059 23 13
2504 O/14/705 705 0.912 0.214 13.572 1.922 21 14
2504 O/13/759 759 0.793 0.231 12.607 1.785 20 15
2504 O/12/822 822 0.682 0.250 11.640 1.648 18 16
2504 O/11/897 897 0.580 0.273 10.667 1.511 17 17
2504 O/10/987 987 0.485 0.300 9.694 1.373 15 19
2504 O/9.5/1039 1039 0.442 0.316 9.209 1.304 14 20
2504 O/9/1096 1096 0.400 0.333 8.730 1.236 14 21
2504 O/8.5/1161 1161 0.360 0.353 8.242 1.167 13 23
2504 O/8/1233 1233 0.322 0.375 7.760 1.099 12 24
2504 O/7.5/1316 1316 0.286 0.400 7.271 1.030 11 26
2504 O/7/1410 1410 0.253 0.429 6.786 0.961 11 27
2504 O/6.5/1518 1518 0.221 0.462 6.303 0.893 10 30
2504 O/6/1644 1644 0.192 0.500 5.820 0.824 9 32
2504 O/5.5/1794 1794 0.164 0.545 5.334 0.755 8 35
2504 O/5/1973 1973 0.139 0.600 4.850 0.687 8 38


Price: $ 98.00 each.  Volume discount available.

Motor RPMs
per Volt
Rm (Ohms) Io
2505 O/14/534 534 1.101 0.214 17.918 2.537 28 14
2505 O/13/575 575 0.956 0.231 16.641 2.357 26 15
2505 O/12/623 623 0.821 0.250 15.359 2.175 24 16
2505 O/11/679 679 0.696 0.273 14.092 1.996 22 17
2505 O/10/747 747 0.582 0.300 12.809 1.814 20 19
2505 O/9.5/787 787 0.529 0.316 12.158 1.722 19 20
2505 O/9/830 830 0.478 0.333 11.528 1.633 18 21
2505 O/8.5/879 879 0.429 0.353 10.886 1.542 17 23
2505 O/8/934 934 0.384 0.375 10.245 1.451 16 24
2505 O/7.5/997 997 0.341 0.400 9.597 1.359 15 26
2505 O/7/1068 1068 0.300 0.429 8.959 1.269 14 27
2505 O/6.5/1150 1150 0.262 0.462 8.320 1.178 13 30
2505 O/6/1246 1246 0.227 0.500 7.679 1.087 12 32
2505 O/5.5/1359 1359 0.194 0.545 7.041 0.997 11 35
2505 O/5/1495 1495 0.163 0.600 6.400 0.906 10 38
2505 O/4.5/1661 1661 0.135 0.667 5.761 0.816 9 43
2505 O/4/1869 1869 0.110 0.750 5.120 0.725 8 48


Price: $ 120.00 each.  Volume discount available.

Motor RPMs
per Volt
Rm (Ohms) Io
2508 O/24/201 201 4.223 0.125 47.604 6.741 75 8
2508 O/22/220 220 3.561 0.136 43.493 6.159 68 9
2508 O/20/242 242 2.956 0.150 39.539 5.599 62 10
2508 O/19/254 254 2.675 0.158 37.671 5.335 59 10
2508 O/18/269 269 2.407 0.167 35.570 5.037 56 11
2508 O/17/284 284 2.154 0.176 33.692 4.771 53 11
2508 O/16/302 302 1.915 0.188 31.683 4.487 50 12
2508 O/15/322 322 1.690 0.200 29.716 4.208 47 13
2508 O/14/345 345 1.478 0.214 27.735 3.928 43 14
2508 O/13/372 372 1.281 0.231 25.722 3.642 40 15
2508 O/12/403 403 1.098 0.250 23.743 3.362 37 16
2508 O/11/440 440 0.929 0.273 21.746 3.080 34 17
2508 O/10/483 483 0.775 0.300 19.810 2.805 31 19
2508 O/9.5/509 509 0.702 0.316 18.798 2.662 29 20
2508 O/9/537 537 0.634 0.333 17.818 2.523 28 21
2508 O/8.5/569 569 0.569 0.353 16.816 2.381 26 23
2508 O/8/604 604 0.507 0.375 15.842 2.243 25 24
2508 O/7.5/645 645 0.449 0.400 14.835 2.101 23 26
2508 O/7/691 691 0.395 0.429 13.847 1.961 22 27
2508 O/6.5/744 744 0.343 0.462 12.861 1.821 20 30
2508 O/6/806 806 0.296 0.500 11.871 1.681 19 32
2508 O/5.5/879 879 0.252 0.545 10.886 1.542 17 35
2508 O/5/967 967 0.211 0.600 9.895 1.401 16 38
2508 O/4.5/1074 1074 0.174 0.667 8.909 1.262 14 43
2508 O/4/1209 1209 0.141 0.750 7.914 1.121 12 48
2508 O/3.5/1381 1381 0.111 0.857 6.929 0.981 11 55
2508 O/3/1612 1612 0.085 1.000 5.936 0.841 9 64
2508 O/2.5/1934 1934 0.062 1.200 4.947 0.701 8 77


Neutronics assembles motors to order.  Most motors in this series are ready to ship from our San Diego office within 1-2 weeks.  Lead time varies with quantity, customizations, and supply chain considerations.  Rush orders may be available.

Please email us to confirm delivery estimates for your motor needs. info@neutronics.com


The motor sizes and KVs listed above are the most common for this particular motor range. Custom sizes and  KV (RPMs per volt) are usually available.  Please contact us for more details if you don't immediately see the solution you are seeking in the tables above.

KV is the term used in the brushless motor workspace to specify the number of rotations per minute that a motor will turn for each volt applied to the motor/ESC with no load on the motor.

Neutronics specifications are +/- 5%.

For a more complete discussion of KV, please go to our KV FAQ page.  


  • Continuous rating is the power the motor can deliver while maintaining the external housing temperatures below 100C.
  • MAX power is achieved at max RPMs and voltage, not at a partial throttle or reduced voltage.
  • MAX power rating is the power the motor can deliver beginning with motor at a temp of 20C until it reaches it's limit temperature of 100C.
  • The ratings are therefore dependent on a number of variables including air flow, ambient air temperature, contact cooling etc. Each application will present different variables.  


When used within the constraints described above, BLDC motors' primary "wear" item(s) are the bearings supporting the shaft. Bearing life is inversely affected by speed, temperature, and radial and axial loads.  While an MTBF figure can be generated, it would be rendered invalid by excursions beyond prescribed temperatures or load limits - such as prop strikes, or side loads.  MTBF must be determined on a case by case basis, and even then, it would be subject to numerous exceptions.


Limited by kv (RPMs per volt) times the applied voltage.  Max voltage must be kept below the voltage which will spin the motor over max rpm for the motor series.


See power ratings above.


  • Winding temperature:  -- 180C
  • Magnet grade: - 180C UH grade
  • Bearings:  Japanese SPB bearings


  • APD controllers automatically adjust timing for optimum efficiency
  • Recommend low timing for controllers that require configuration

Pole Count vs. Pole Pairs

  • Neumotors lists the number of poles in a motor rotor. Example: N S N S would be a four pole motor.
  • Some ESC manufacturers use the term "pole pairs" which refers to the number of N and S pairs.  Example: N S N S would be a 2 pole pair motor.   

Neumotors Naming Convention Details

NOTE: Innrunners use imperial dimensions (inches), outrunners use metric dimensions (mm).

Using the 1530/.75D (2640 KV) as our example:  1530/.75D (2640 KV) should be read as 15 | 30 | .75 | D which runs at 2,640 RPMS per volt.

1530/.75D (2640 KV)

The last part of the code - the Kv, is the voltage constant.* It represents the number of RPMs the motor will spin for each volt applied to the motor by the speed control.  A 1,000 KV motor should spin at 10,000 RPMs when 10 volts are applied to an unloaded motor (10 x 1,000 = 10,000).

The Kv of a particular motor size is determined by the number of turns of wire around the stator teeth.  The length of the motor and the type of wire termination inside the motor also determine the motor Kv.

*Kv in this context does not mean kilovolt.  We aren't working with kilovolts here!!

1530/.75D (2640 KV)

The first two digits are the motor's internal diameter in inches. 15 = 1.5" inches - so all 15 series are the same internal diameter.

1530/.75D (2640 KV)

The second two digits represent the motor's internal length, the stator stack, specifically. 30 is 3.0 inches - so a 1530 is 3 inches long inside and a 1539 is 3.9 inches long inside the case. Longer motors have more power capability and more weight.

1530/.75D (2640 KV)

The 3rd set of digits is the number of times the internal wires are wrapped around the stator teeth. 1530/.75D has .75 wraps of the wire inside the motor around the steel teeth of the stator.

1530/.75D (2640 KV)

The final letter refers to the internal connection of the 3 motor wires. D = Delta, the Greek letter for D that looks like a triangle. The other option is Y, and the Y wind looks like a letter Y on a wiring diagram.  A Delta motor will spin 1.8 times the Kv of a Y motor with the same number of turns.  Change the turns in a Y motor and it will spin just as fast as a Delta with nearly identical performance.

NOTE: This system applies to the NEUMOTORS INRUNNERS.  OUTRUNNERS are the same format, but they are in metric units (MM).